Saturday 9 April 2011

Kimeramon- the Chímaira Monster

Kimeramon is a Composition Digimon whose name and design are derived from the mythological Chímaira and the concept of "chimeras" in genetics. Every part that composes its whole was put together by synthesizing various Digimon—Kabuterimon for its head, MetalGreymon for its hair, Greymon for its trunk,Angemon for its upper wings, Airdramon for its lower wings, Devimon for its upper arms, Kuwagamon for its lower left arm, SkullGreymon for its lower right arm,Garurumon for its legs, and Monochromon for its tail. As for how this kind of synthesis was performed, that is a complete mystery. In contrast to Machinedramon, who was synthesized from the metal parts of several varieties of Digimon, it was combined from organic parts, and whether it is Machinedramon's prototype, or it was built to use against Machinedramon, is still uncertain. However, the one thing that is understood is that, because of Kimeramon's terrifying combat instinct, it is nothing but a powerful force for destruction.

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