Friday 15 April 2011

Crowmon- the Bewitching Avian

Crowmon is a Bewitching Bird Digimon whose Japanese name and design are derived from the mythical Yatagarasu, and whose English name is derived from the crow. Possessing three legs, it is a bizarre Digimon and a subspecies of Yatagaramon. Although its jet-black body presents an evil image to those who see it, it is told that it is the Digimon who guides the chosen to the "Golden Land" in the eastern Digital World. The eastern Digital World is a region where there are still many mysteries, and it is said that the "Golden Land" is protected by multiple sacred barriers. Although it is said that with Yatagaramon's guidance the barriers will be released, traditionally, only those who surmount the "Threefold Trials" submitted by Yatagaramon and Crowmon will finally arrive at the "Golden Land", and it is told that those who were not able to endure the trials are dispatched to the Dark Area.

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