Friday 15 April 2011

BlackWarGrowlmon- the Mechanical Dino

BlackWarGrowlmon is an Android Digimon whose name and design are derived from "BlackWarGrowlmon". Like BlackGrowlmon, which it evolved from, its Virus-species nature is expressed by its darker appearance, and it is called the "Black Destroyer Dragon". Its upper body has been metallized with the strongest metal, Chrome Digizoid, and it is able take flight with the two vernier attached to both of its shoulders. Also, since the cable-like object extending from the back section is extensible, it can be used to impale the opponent. It has the "Pendulum Blades" equipped to both of its arms. The DigiCode on its stripes reads "Digital Monster" (デジタルモンスター Dejitaru Monsutā).

Megadramon- the Dragon Demon

Megadramon is a Dark Dragon Digimon whose name and design are derived from "Mega Dramon". It boasts the strongest and wickedest power among Dragon-type Cyborg Digimon of the Ultimate level. As a Digimon that was artificially remodeled by someone, it was programmed to destroy everything. It can surely be said that its very existence is a computer virus. It can easily penetrate Computer Networks protected by strong security, and can very easily destroy and then completely reformat the host computer.

Orochimon- the Eight-Headed Serpent

Orochimon is a Demon Dragon Digimon whose name and design are derived from the mythical Orochi (大蛇). It is gigantic and possesses eight heads, though only the black one in the middle is a real head. The roots of Orochimon's creation are old, and even in the Ancient Digital World its menace was thing immemorial, but although it was a being that could drive an Area to the very brink of destruction, it was sealed due to the tamer of a "being" which sought to preserve the harmony of the Digital World.

Deltamon- the Demon Beast

Deltamon is a Composition Digimon whose name and design are derived from "Δ", a Greek letter shaped like a triangle. It was fused from three Digimon. and although each of them had existed as separate Digimon, due to a computer running wild after it was struck by a storm's electromagnetic waves, they were forced to fuse by a computer bug. It is said that since this Digimon, which possesses three heads and two tails, specializes in tripartite attacks that capitalize on its body's traits, it is even able to fight against three Digimon as if they were one. However, because each of them was a brutal Digimon, they are only of one mind on destruction, and are usually on bad terms with no spirit of cooperation.

Crowmon- the Bewitching Avian

Crowmon is a Bewitching Bird Digimon whose Japanese name and design are derived from the mythical Yatagarasu, and whose English name is derived from the crow. Possessing three legs, it is a bizarre Digimon and a subspecies of Yatagaramon. Although its jet-black body presents an evil image to those who see it, it is told that it is the Digimon who guides the chosen to the "Golden Land" in the eastern Digital World. The eastern Digital World is a region where there are still many mysteries, and it is said that the "Golden Land" is protected by multiple sacred barriers. Although it is said that with Yatagaramon's guidance the barriers will be released, traditionally, only those who surmount the "Threefold Trials" submitted by Yatagaramon and Crowmon will finally arrive at the "Golden Land", and it is told that those who were not able to endure the trials are dispatched to the Dark Area.

Saturday 9 April 2011

Kimeramon- the Chímaira Monster

Kimeramon is a Composition Digimon whose name and design are derived from the mythological Chímaira and the concept of "chimeras" in genetics. Every part that composes its whole was put together by synthesizing various Digimon—Kabuterimon for its head, MetalGreymon for its hair, Greymon for its trunk,Angemon for its upper wings, Airdramon for its lower wings, Devimon for its upper arms, Kuwagamon for its lower left arm, SkullGreymon for its lower right arm,Garurumon for its legs, and Monochromon for its tail. As for how this kind of synthesis was performed, that is a complete mystery. In contrast to Machinedramon, who was synthesized from the metal parts of several varieties of Digimon, it was combined from organic parts, and whether it is Machinedramon's prototype, or it was built to use against Machinedramon, is still uncertain. However, the one thing that is understood is that, because of Kimeramon's terrifying combat instinct, it is nothing but a powerful force for destruction.

SkullMammothmon- the Ancient Giant

SkullMammothmon is a Ghost Digimon whose name and design are derived from "Skull Mammothmon". It was a Mammothmon, revived from an ancient glacier, that continued to battle with Virus-species Digimon. As a result, its whole body was eaten away by a virus, and became nothing but bones. Despite dying, its survival instinct as a Vaccine was strong, and so in order to continue battling it exterminated the virus. However, it unexpectedly lost all of its emotions and intelligence beyond destroying Viruses. Even though its body has become nothing but bones, it continues to battle in safety because the DigiCore shining within its chest is undamaged.However, if that bare DigiCore, thought to be its weak point, was struck, it would immediately be unable to maintain its vital functions.