Friday 8 April 2011

Matadormon- the Vampire Martial Artist

Matadormon is an Undead Digimon and a carrier of the X Antibody whose name and design are derived from the Matador. It is a bloodsucking martial artist Digimon that performs a magnificent dance. It is said that it was born from the folk-dance database of a certain museum, and that it has mastered the unique steps of "Burudoggu" (武舞独繰? lit. "War-dance of a Single Spin") It uses its fluttering garment to deceive the opponent, and when the opponent drops its guard from a glance at the soft-colored cloth, it falls upon them with the countless rapiers stocked on its arms. Because it is a vampire, it can't survive unless it sucks a Digimon's blood, but as not just anyone will do, it seeks only the blood of strong Digimon and seems to constantly be moving from place to place.

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