Friday 8 April 2011

MadLeomon- the Undead Lion

MadLeomon is an Undead Digimon whose name and design are derived from "Mad Leomon". It is a berserker who lost its intelligence and enhanced its combat instinct. Although it was originally a Lion Digimon, it heaped modification upon modification and arrived at its current appearance. In the process, its consciousness vanished, and it became nothing more than a puppet that defeats those standing before it, as it is commanded. Because it doesn't act or think according to its natural instincts, it exhibits headlong assaults, heedless even of any traps or gadgets. Although it is fundamentally high-powered, its patterns are meager, with nothing but primitive attacks such as hitting and kicking. Nevertheless, caution is necessary, because its sharp claws bear a deadly poison which can cause anything to rot away.

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