Friday 8 April 2011

Daemon- the Demon of Wrath

Daemon is a Demon Lord Digimon whose name and design are derived from the mythologicalCacodaemon. It is referred to as "Creepymon" in American Bandai materials, a name derived from "Creepy". One of the "Seven Great Demon Lords", it represents Jupiter and the sin of Wrath. It leads the many Demon and Fallen Angel Digimon, and like Devimon it was originally an Angel Digimon, and a particularly high-ranked one. It is said that before it fell to the Dark Area and became a Demon Lord Digimon, it was in fact a Seraphimon.However, in response to a Being of Goodness in the Digital World (perhaps the very humans that created the Digital World), it raged in fury and rebellion, and so was deleted to the Dark Area. It has vowed to one day conquer the Digital World, in revenge against the being of goodness. Also, while it led the rebellion, and was the strongest among the Ultimates, it plotted to secretly revive the "Super-Ultimate Digimon".

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