Friday 8 April 2011

ChaosBlackWarGreymon-the Chaotic Dramon Slayer

ChaosBlackWarGreymon (ChaosGreymon in Japan) is a Dragon Man Digimon whose name and design are derived from "Chaos BlackWarGreymon". It is a variant of WarGreymon that is mostly black and white.
Like WarGreymon and BlackWarGreymon, ChaosBlackWarGreymon is equipped with Dramon Destroyersgauntlets which enable it to cut though almost anything, and grant it incredible physical strength. LikeWarGreymon, its Brave Shield has the Crest of Courage on it.
ChaosBlackWarGreymon is one of the three Chaos Generals, powerful bosses who work for Chaos Lord. After they are defeated by Akira, the Chaos Generals are absorbed by Crimson, transforming him into NeoCrimson.

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