Friday 8 April 2011

Astamon- the Prince of Hell

Astamon is a Demon Man Digimon whose name and design are derived from the mythological Astaroth. Though it is an Ultimate Digimon, it possesses power surpassing that of a Mega, and is a Prince of the Dark Area which governs a legion of Demon Digimon. It shows cruelty to its enemies and kindness to its friends, and because of that charisma it is expected to gain a considerable number of followers among Demon Digimon. Its machine gun of pride, "Oro Salmón" (Esp: "Gold Salmon"), is the work of the same gunsmith who crafted Beelzemon's favorite guns, the "Berenjena" (Esp: "Eggplant"), and the bullets fired from it possess their own will, so they will surely chase the opponent to the "end of hell".

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